Monday, January 14, 2019

Camille is F-I-V-E!

My baby girl is F-I-V-E! I am pretty sure I say this year after year but man, where does the time go? This is just bananas that my youngest babe is now F-I-V-E. 

Oh man . . . where do I even start?

Camille is so loving, giving, and understanding, especially when it comes to Clara’s continual needs and care.

There’s a part in the movie “Wonder,” where Via (the older sis) makes the comment about her brother, August, with special needs. She says, “August is the Sun. Me and Mom and Dad are planets orbiting the Sun.”

I’ve blogged about it before, but that is continually on my mind  ... that one day Camille will look back and feel like her whole world, our whole world, revolved around Clara 24/7, and that just because God made her typical and independent, she got the short end of the stick.

Camille has never once complained about all the time spent at Clara’s therapies or appointments. Never once! (Others things yes, FOR SURE, but never when it comes to her sister.) We literally could not have hand-picked a better sibling for Clara. What a gift she is and what joy she brings to our family. 

While we are constantly trying to feel out the atmosphere of our home, her birthday is a natural way to show up and  tip the scale back in her direction. We’ve been celebrating big since Saturday night!

We have been filling up her love tank with a few two-on-one-dates with Mommy and Daddy (she is a major quality time girl), and expressing to her with actual words and no interuptions all the ways she makes our life better. 

Sat night - Two-on-one date to Cheesecake Factory ("Wow! This is a super fancy restaurant, like the most fanciest in the world!" - Camille) and the American Girl doll store to pick out her birthday gift. 

Sunday - The celebration continued with a playdate at the Little Gym with family and a few friends.

Monday - Another two-on-one date to visit daddy's new office downtown and eat her favorite "Chick-a-lay." 

Love you, Camille!!

You. Are. Five.

Go ahead and stop growing up! 

(A few other things I want to remember about Camille at age five . . . Her love for unicorns, princesses, mermaids, candy, mac and cheese, playdates, parties, decorating the house just because it's a random Tuesday, and taking looooooong showers. The way she continually thinks of other people, constantly crafting creations for her friends or asking how we can help make someone else happy. The way she asks Brandon every. single. night. without fail after he reads her a story, "Will you ask Mommy if she will come cuddle me?" And then when I am leaving her room how she asks me ever. single. night. without fail, "Mommy, will you turn off my lamp before you go to bed?" How she says "bideos" instead of videos and how she inserts the word "like" in her dialogue as though she is a teenager. And finally, how she refers to chapstick as "chopstick.") :-)

1 comment

  1. Love this and your other posts about the birthday girl! Also love those little freckles... too cute!


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