Monday, January 16, 2017

The Book Is Here!

For a while I felt God calling me to write my story in book form. To share my journey, in all it's realness and rawness, and what He has done, how He has carried us through it all. I felt this nudging for some time yet kept putting it off in the name of "I need to fine-tune my writing," or "I will just keep praying about it," or "Ok, God, if you want me to do this then I need you to plop the opportunity in my lap." 

And after several months of excuses I heard God telling me, "Brittnie, Just because I call you to something doesn't mean I spell it all out for you or throw open the door. Sometimes obedience looks like plain hard work. Delayed obedience is still disobedience." 


The next day, January 1, 2016,  I pulled up a blank Word document, cursor blinking, and told God if I was going to do this He would need to bring the words. And He was faithful. All I did was show up. 

I am honored and humbled (and let's be honest, intimidated) that these words are now in print, for eyes other than mine. My prayer is that it will get into the hands of those that need it, those that need the reminder that joy despite circumstance is feasible. That God is good regardless of circumstance. That God is good even when He calls us to walk the desert. Whether the desert wandering is for a season, or for a lifetime. 

Your desert walk might not look like mine. Maybe you haven't struggled though an eating disorder, been called to parent a special needs child, or said goodbye to a baby born still from your body. 

However, I bet there is something you've faced. A pain or disappointment or loss or expectation that didn't come to pass. We all have unique stories. We've all faced suffering and moments of heartache. 

God encourages us in His word to count it all joy - the good and bad and frustrating and gut-wrenching times, because when we glory in our sufferings we are given a spirit of hope and hope never disappoints us. 

This counting it joy doesn't come naturally, at least not for me. It is a discipline that takes work and intentionality and focus. I tend to write the messages I need the most. This is true for this book. I have not mastered this concept, but still struggle through it when life takes a turn I didn't expect. 

Thank you for your love and support over the years. I couldn't have hand picked better family,  friends, and encouragers. 

If you want to learn more about the book, you can find it here.  Or here, as well as other online book retailers. 

. . . 

Is there something God is calling you to do? Something He is whispering to you but you're afraid or questioning the how's of it all. God just needs a willing heart. Just show up. Take one step and then another and then another. You don't need to know how it will all play out or when. What is your passion? What lights you up? What has God done in your life and how can you share His faithfulness? It might not look like written words in book form, but I guarantee it looks like something. Make that phone call. Write that email. Paint that picture. Research that business idea. Plan that date night. God calls us all to different things and we need all of it.

Just show up. Run your race. It's not about our strengths. It's about His strength in a life that says yes. I may have a love for stringing words together, but I can't tell you how many grammar errors were found in the initial manuscript. That is why God gave us editors. There are people that will support your race. Don't wait until you learn all the grammar rules or have the perfect office or perfect tools or perfect plans. Every one of the sentences in this book was written sitting on an uncomfortable bar stool, laptop placed on a small, wobbly kitchen island. Take that step. And then watch expectantly as God fills the gaps. :)


  1. Congratulations! How exciting to have the final product in your hands. It looks great!

  2. Congrats, sweet friend! So proud of you and so looking forward to reading this!

  3. Congratulations Brittnie!!! How exciting!!!


© A Joy Renewed. Made with love by The Dutch Lady Designs.